EverX December and January Digest

4 min readFeb 10, 2023


Greetings dear EverX community!

It has been quite some time since we last reached out to you. With the holidays now behind us and the crisp chill of winter giving way to new beginnings, our dedicated team has been working tirelessly to bring you some significant news and updates. So without further ado, let’s dive into what’s been happening.

Flex DEX

In December Flex launched trading activities with professional market making and liquidity in the Orderbook

  • Currently it has 5 pairs of major coins and stablecoins with EVER and is looking to find the most promising usecases;
  • Liquidity in all traded pairs follow the oracle prices from several exchanges.

There was an AMA session of the Flex busdev team and tech team at the end of December where the team answered questions from the community about the project, its status and their further plans.

If you missed the AMA session, please check it out here: https://youtu.be/LBbkTq4_dzA

In Jan the main focus of the team is on the web version of the Flex Dapp:

  • It includes refactoring of Auth and Deposit/Withdraw user flow with wallet extension;
  • This refactoring will be partially applicable to the desktop app as well to improve and unify the overall UI;
  • In Feb we’ll complete refactoring of the remaining flows in the web version (recover gas flow, contracts update flow, etc.)

Also the Flex team works on optimization of the existing DEX contracts in terms of capacity and gas consumption. Plans are to make migration to the new DEX contracts later in Feb.

💬 Join the group chat on all things Flex DEX here.


There are several updates from the NODE team:

In January, the EverX node December 2022 release underwent testing on the community network before being rolled out to the main EverX network.

The EverX devnet was then updated to reflect these changes. The latest release addressed various bugs and issues identified by the community.
A substantial improvement in the performance of the Node’s local database has been also made. 🤓


We hope you have been eagerly awaiting these updates from the team. Here they are!

The SE now supports the “CapBounceMsgBody” and “CapFullBodyInBounced” capabilities.The SE Explorer has also undergone an update, adding new features and improvements.

Additionally, the abi.getMessageSignatureData function has been introduced to make ABI signature verification easier and more streamlined.


The EverCloud team has been hard at work and has brought some substantial updates to the table.

  • TON beta endpoint has been added to the list of supported networks. Want to integrate with TON? Now it is possible with the same Everscale dev tools. https://docs.evercloud.dev/products/evercloud/networks-endpoints
  • FLD Network (where new blockchain features are tested) endpoints have been added to the list of supported networks. If you want to test new protocol updates — welcome to FLD! https://docs.evercloud.dev/products/evercloud/networks-endpoints
  • We released the first beta version of cost API which performs static query cost calculation based on used queries and requested data. Cost calculations are still in the process of tuning and will change before billing introduction. But the API is already available.


The EverCloud team continues working on project analytics and user segmentation for future billing plans and to provide EverCloud users with API usage logs and stats.

Also the team continues working on a new message processing API for multiple simultaneous messages processing on backend.

⌨️ If you have a question ask the team right here.

And that concludes this month’s digest of updates from the EverX development team. We are always working to bring you the latest and greatest advancements, so be sure to stay tuned for more exciting updates in the future. To stay informed and up to date with all EverX things, be sure to follow our social media accounts and stay connected with our community.




✅ Thank you for your continued support!

🤝 Interested in joining a brilliant team of talented developers? Check out our open positions here.




EverX is an independent infrastructure and ecosystem developer for the Everscale Network