EverX February Digest

3 min readMar 2, 2023


Hello, beloved community of EverX!

As the last month of winter drew to a close, our team put in a tremendous amount of effort and dedication towards work process. We are thrilled to announce our latest updates and share them with you below.

Node team

The following are 3 updates from the Node team:

  • The EverX node released the source code containing support for the REMP protocol. However, the protocol itself is not yet enabled on the main network, as the implementation is under conducting testing and implementing performance improvements. Nonetheless, the source code is publicly available for investigation.
  • The Node team has conducted a comprehensive refactoring of operations related to data cells in our local node database. This has been done to significantly improve performance on high load scenarios. This update is set to be released in March.
  • Source codes for solidity-based elector were published. This is a pre-release currently, and is going to be finalized soon after evaluation experiment on devnet.

Flex DEX

The Flex team is constantly striving to enhance their product, and as such, they have provided the following digest of their latest updates:

Throughout February, the Flex team dedicated themselves to enhancing the web version of Flex DEX. The focus was on establishing a stable connection with the Surf extension and optimizing the overall user interface and experience.

Several flows were initiated during February and are expected to be finalized in March.

  • These include the implementation of the “delete user” and “recover gas” flows, as well as onboarding processes that involve wallet selection and installment.

The Flex team’s primary focus with regards to the DEX contracts was to optimize gas consumption before the DEX upgrade. The team worked tirelessly to ensure that this aspect was thoroughly addressed.

💬 Join the group chat on all things Flex DEX here.


A brief squeeze of news from sdk:

  • Solc and Sold binaries available in everdev has been rebuilt from public tags. Before, there were some old version binaries, built from private repositories, which caused problems for contract verification. Also, warning messages were added to everdev solc version, everdev sold version commands, recommending to see the list of stable solidity versions in repository changelog (not all Solidity versions are stable).
  • debot module was deprecated in ever-sdk client libraries. It will be removed in the next library releases
  • CapSignatureWithId capability is supported in ever-sdk 1.41.0 and everdev 1.6.0. Read more here https://github.com/tonlabs/ever-sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1410--2023-02-13
  • Ability to change network config without dropping the database is added to Evernode-SE. Simply update the config and then restart the container.
  • The list of givers was refactored. New GiverV3 was published in SE repository https://github.com/tonlabs/evernode-se/tree/master/contracts and supported in everdev 1.6.0


What’s new?

UNSTABLE MessageMonitor API — released only in devnet now

  • recentExtInMessageStatuses query — returns processing statuses (finalized/timeout/undefined) for external messages sent not earlier than 1 hour ago
  • recentExtInMessageStatuses subscription — returns processing statuses for messages (same as in query)+ and subscribes for events about processed messages until all messages final statuses (finalized/timeout) are received.

Deprecations/Breaking changes


⌨️ If you have a question ask the team right here.

With that, we come to the end of this month’s update from the EverX development team. Our team is committed to continuously bringing you the latest and greatest advancements, and we encourage you to stay tuned for more exciting updates in the future. To stay informed and up-to-date with all things related to EverX, please follow our social media accounts.




✅ Thank you for your continued support!

🤝 Interested in joining a brilliant team of talented developers? Check out our open positions here.




Written by EverX

EverX is an independent infrastructure and ecosystem developer for the Everscale Network

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